April Lockhart

April Lockhart, born in 1995 on the 4th day of July, began taking piano and guitar lessons from age seven. She was interested in writing songs was ignited. April's very first song was called Different, which she wrote when she was 12 years old. At the age of 14, April was devoted for a long period of time in creating song concepts and practicing her musical skills. She began writing with her dad and her dad in NY and LA shortly after. April also began incorporating various other topics relevant to the song, which she called the Take my Hand song for some acquaintances, including peer pressure disabilities and teen suicide. Lockhart is a popular figure and also works as a lifestyle blogger with the well-known Ilia Clean Beauty brand. Her disability is a part of her identity, but it's not all of the of the picture. The profile of Lockhart on Twitter does not ignore her status as disabled however, it doesn't focus on it. It's a reminder. The message is that we all share multiple identities and are way more diverse than we think we're. Lockhart in a video message from Nashville at home, claims I don't want that to be a part of myself. I'm much greater than the physical person I am. It doesn't impact my daily life. I conduct my business as usual and have found different ways of adapting. It's a big part of my life, therefore it's important that we talk about it. Lockhart encourages us to keep moving forward with self-acceptance. Even so, Lockhart admits to going through periods when she felt uncomfortable with her appearance, and the clothes that showed her arms. She wears what she likes and proudly posts pictures of herself dressed in outfits she wears on social media. The key to self-love for her is that it's not an end goal. This is a process, and I'm sure that you never arrive. It's important to be around individuals who truly see your.

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